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Zombie Sim
Kill a Sim and wait for the Grim Reaper toappear. Plead for his or her life. The GrimReaper will either ignore your plea, turn yourSim into a Zombie, or revive your Sim. If yourSim was revived, kill him or her again, then tryagain. The outcome is random. Note: Do not savethe game if the Grim Reaper kills your Sim.Reload the game and try again. Zombie Sims donot have any features different from normal Simsother than a green color.
You must use the Cheat Gnome to use the cheats 'Fill All Motives' and 'Give Money'. The Cheat Gnome will appear at the front of your property. Click on it to use these two cheats. In addition, you. The Urbz: Sims in the City – Action Replay Codes US The following are known Action Replay Codes for The Urbz: Sims in the City on Nintendo GameCube (GCN). Master Code – Must Be On ANXU-CBEN-MB5G1 W9XX-959X-JYWAR Press B+D-Pad Up For Max Motives RRWD-C8KE-YFVQD PPDR-PKHJ-5ZYA3 1Y5C-P1M8-A675B 1ZPH-5D2Z-MDAU0 U05E-HWX0-XUW86 Infinite Simolians JVN2-59E0-EJ10U.
Another Way To Get A Kid
Always answer the phone when it rings and soon you will get a call from an unknownand they'll say: Would you like to adopt a child? Select yes, and a crib will apper near ur sim! Note: it may take some time for this to happen.
Hair Change
If you go to make a new family then make a woman. If you go to their hair and go to the hair that has stripes going down it then go to the left one then back it will be brighter.
Money From The Rocket Launcher
First buy a rocket launcher then have your simlaunch a rocket, then go to buy mode pushshift,Ctrl and C all at once then entermove_objects on (don't forget the on part) thenpush enter. Then click on the toy rocket and youshould be able to delete it for 2,500 dollars.
Regain Needs
Skip work every other day, to the point wherethey call you but you will not get fired toregain your fun and social levels. While you arehome, call over some friend(s) and play pool ora cooperative game.You can use the Wiffer Puffer Gold to recover acertain part of your needs, such as comfort,fun, etc. according to the one you use. This isespecially useful near where you read or workout.Buy a Bug Zapper from the electronics section ofbuy mode. Place it somewhere outside. Have anadult Sim touch the Bug Zapper (highlight andselect the Bug Zapper for the options toappear). Then choose the 'Touch' option and yourSim will get shocked by the Bug Zapper. Do thisa few times and your Sim's energy level will beboosted, but they will need some comfort points.
Nude Sim
Note: This is easiest to do in Play The Simsmode. Get a fire place, then buy a rug and placeit under the fireplace. Guy the heart shapedspa. Light the fireplace, get in the spa, andwait until there is a fire. Before your Sim getsout and starts jumping around because of thefire, cancel everything but the spa. Wait untilthe spa burns up. If done correctly, your Simwill appear in another part of room close to thewall, and will not have their clothes on. Note:The censor will still appear.
Alien Abduction
Buy the telescope and use it for too long. YourSim will be abducted and disappear. It willreappear some hours later, with different stats.
Killing Sims
If you want to see the Grim Reaper and put a lotof tombstones in your backyard, enter build modeand add a fireplace. Fix up the house somewhat.When prompted to move in a family, create oneand make several Sims. Have all of your Simsenter the room with the fireplace and have oneof them light it and stand very close. The fireshould catch them all if they were close enough.The Grim Reaper should show up to claim thefamily. Once he does, if there is one Simremaining have them call the fire department.the Fire should go out and there should beseveral little tombstones sticking up out of theash. Enter build mode, grab all of them, andplace them in the backyard. If desired, you canadd some flowers and other objects. They willbecome a grave. To get rid of the last Sim, lockthem in a room with no windows or doors. Theyshould die in three and a half days. Repeat thegrave steps when the Grim Reaper reappears. ifyou want a very large graveyard, repeat all thesteps. Note: This will not be a good home forfamilies, as they will be mourning all the time.
Attack A Sim
Insult a neighbor or your roommate until theirname is down to -100. Then, go outside anddisplay the action options (where you can chooseto kiss, hug, insult, slap). You should now beable to attack the person. Do this about threetimes. Your roommate will have had enough andpack up and leave for good.
Having A Baby
Create a family in Play The Sims mode. Get yourSim married. Then, evict your family and themback. Take the married couple to the bathroomand kiss. It may require four or five kisses forit to work. A little box will appear and ask ifyou want a baby.
The Sims 2 Pets Gamecube Cheats
Keep Child Home From School
If you do not want your child to go to schooland do not want to keep hearing the bus honkevery few seconds, just let your child stand inthe middle of the road where the bus waitseveryday. Then the bus will not appear, and yourchild will not go to school.
Getting Money After Missing Work
If you miss work one day, do not answer thephone. Instead, wait until the next caller, whoshould call in later. They will give you somemoney.
Cancel Newspapers
Let your newspapers pile up for five days untilyou have five of them on your yard. On the sixthday, do not collect any and you will get amessage stating that you will not receive anymore papers because you have too many. Note: Ifyou hire a maid, she will pick up the papers andyou will continue to receive them.
Keep Major Dormo Longer
Call Major Dormo, then put a fence around histree house after he leaves it. He will remainwith you much longer, but will still eventuallydisappear.
Keep Guests From Leaving And Improve Your Social Status
Throw a party. When your guests arrive, havethem go inside your house. Pause game play andenter build mode. Wherever there is a door goingoutside, replace it with a wall. Resume thegame. Since they cannot leave, they will stayand have a raging party. You can now talk allyou want with your guests and they will notleave, eventually even marrying someone. You mayalso want to buy some beds in case they gettired.
Getting Married
To get married easily, invite a Sim of theopposite sex. But first, always throw a partyand pick the Sim you want to marry. 'Greet'them, 'Talk' to them, then when they want toleave you will know their phone number. Afterdark, call that person. 'Invite' them over. Ifthey say 'Sure', wait for them. Get to know themmore. When you get the chance to 'Flirt' withthem, do so. Sooner or later she or he will fallin love with you. The next day (or perhaps onsame day), get your Sim in a good mood (threegreen bars or more). Then, 'Serve Dinner (Lunch,etc.)'. When they are done eating as much asthey desire, watch television. While they arewatching television, highlight your 'Guest' andgive them the command to 'Watch TV'. Theywill 'Watch TV' with you, talk to you, and theircomfort will rise. Next ,'Talk' with them, 'TellJokes', 'Hug', 'Dance', etc. If your Sim isstill in a good mood (three green bars or more),you will have the option to 'Propose' to the Simyou want to marry, Sometimes they will notaccept (you will hear warning sirens) and theywill state a reason. Do whatever they wanted youto do. When you fulfill theirrequests, 'Propose' again. If you are lucky,they will accept. Note: You can only do this inPlay The Sims mode.
Life Of Crime Career Path
Prevent a thief from escaping in Get A Life modeto unlock the Life Of Crime career path in allmodes.
Get A Life Chapter 3: Get Promoted
Enter build mode and put in either the 'MiniPool' or the 'Wet Tangle'. Then have Dudley orMimi (depending on the sex of your character)swim in the pool. Eventually they will get thetwo body points that are required for them toget promoted to the next job level.
Get A Life Chapter 2: Cleaning House
A quick way to get the house cleaned and thecomputer, television and espresso machinerepaired is to enable the 'Free mode' and 'Midasmode' codes. Then, use the monkey butler. Thiswill not disrupt your room bar.
Get A Life Chapter 2: Upgrade House Value
Enable the 'Midas mode' and 'Free mode' codes.Once everything is done in Chapter 1 and you geta new house, fix all of the items first. Get ridof all of the garbage then press Start. Go tobuild mode and destroy everything in the house(including all of your property.). Make yourhouse the size you want. Make the room,bathroom, living room, and kitchen as desired.Then, put in all the items.
Easy Skills
Evict a family. When this happens, their moodsgo up immediately after you move into anotherhouse. Once you get in a house, study, work out,etc.If your energy or any other stats get low, evictyourself from the house. Reenter the house andall your stats will be renewed.
Get A Life Chapter 1: Easy Money
If your house is completely clean when youfinish, Mom will give you about 50,000 Simoleans.
Get A Life Chapter 1: Borrow $800 From Mom
Go to buy mode and sell anything that is not anecessity, until you are over $800.
Cheaper Houses
Enable the 'Free mode' or 'Midas mode' code. Goto Play The Sims mode. If a character does nothave enough money to buy a house, bulldoze aworthless house and move that family in thefield; or if there is a place with no house,move the family into that area. Pause game playand start building your house however desired.
Bonuses In Get A Life Mode
You can unlock objects by doing the following things:
Borrow $800 From Mom In Get A Life Chapter 1

Go to buy mode and sell anything that is not a necessity, until you are over $800.
Place Wallpaper Or Carpets Faster
When a Sim puts up the curtain to change, press L to pause the game. They willchange, but time will freeze.
Attack A Sim
Insult a neighbor or your roommate until their name is down to -100. Then, gooutside and display the action options (where you can choose to kiss, hug,insult, slap). You should now be able to attack the person. Do this about threetimes. Your roommate will have had enough and pack up and leave for good.
Keep Guests From Leaving And Improve Your Social Status
Throw a party. When your guests arrive, have them go inside your house. Pausegame play and enter build mode. Wherever there is a door going outside, replaceit with a wall. Resume the game. Since they cannot leave, they will stay and havea raging party. You can now talk all you want with your guests and they will notleave, eventually even marrying someone. You may also want to buy some beds incase they get tired.
Keep Major Dormo Longer
Call Major Dormo, then put a fence around his tree house after he leaves it. Hewill remain with you much longer, but will still eventually disappear.
Getting Money After Missing Work
If you miss work one day, do not answer the phone. Instead, wait until the nextcaller, who should call in later. They will give you some money.
Keep Child Home From School
If you do not want your child to go to school and do not want to keep hearing thebus honk every few seconds, just let your child stand in the middle of the roadwhere the bus waits everyday. Then the bus will not appear, and your child willnot go to school.
Zombie Sim
Kill a Sim and wait for the Grim Reaper to appear. Plead for his or her life. TheGrim Reaper will either ignore your plea, turn your Sim into a Zombie, or reviveyour Sim. If your Sim was revived, kill him or her again, then try again. Theoutcome is random. Note: Do not save the game if the Grim Reaper kills your Sim.Reload the game and try again. Zombie Sims do not have any features differentfrom normal Sims other than a green color.
Alien Abduction
Buy the telescope and use it for too long. Your Sim will be abducted anddisappear. It will reappear some hours later, with different stats.
Regain Needs
Skip work every other day, to the point where they call you but you will not getfired to regain your fun and social levels. While you are home, call over somefriend(s) and play pool or a cooperative game. Additionally, you can use theWiffer Puffer Gold to recover a certain part of your needs, such as comfort, fun,etc. according to the one you use. This is especially useful near where you reador work out. Also, make a Sim touch the Bug Zapper. It gives them extra energy.
Easy Skills
Evict a family. When this happens, their moods go up immediately after you moveinto another house. Once you get in a house, study, work out, etc. Also, if yourenergy or any other stats get low, evict yourself from the house. Reenter thehouse and all your stats will be renewed.

Easy Money
Enable the 'Free mode' code, then go to your house and buy a lot of expensiveitems. After that, save then restart your system. Do not enter the code again,then sell your items back for more money. The best item to do this with is theMonkey Butler Tree, which is worth 15,000 Simoleans.Enable the 'Free mode' code, then move your Sims into the cheapest houseavailable. Then, buy a lot of expensive items (such as the Monkey Butler). Afterthis, evict your Sims from that house, but do not empty the house. By doing this,your Sims keep the 'assets' that they had, which turn into money for them. Thehouse will then cost something similar to 99,999 Simoleans. To counter this,enter build mode for the house you moved your Sims out of, then sell off theMonkey Butler and other items you put up. The house will be cheap again. Moveyour Sims back in and they will have a lot of money.Enable the 'Free mode' code, start a game, and buy fifteen Heart Hot Tubs. Note:These must be unlocked in Get A Life mode first. After buying them, save the gameand quit. Turn off the PlayStation2 to disable the code. Return to the same gameand sell all the Heart Hot Tubs that were bought to get up to 99,999 Simoleans.Notice that when you pay bills, buy something, etc., your money will not decrease.Use the following trick to make the wallpaper technique faster. As you sell thesheet of wallpaper, you must hold Square and release it to complete the sale. Ifyou press Square repeatedly after the sale, the sales keep occurring for how manytimes it was pressed. Also, this trick works better if the wall has anintersection in the shape of a 'T'.Buy a workbench and heighten your Mechanical, Creativity, and Body. Keep makingGnomes. If you have a very high status, you should be able to sell each gnome forat least 100 Simoleans. Making gnomes only take about one to two seconds each ifyou have a very high status.Make a wall parallel to the sidewalk (with the trash can and mail box). Put themost expensive wallpaper on both sides. Then, press Square to sell the wallpaperon one side. If this does not work, try the opposite side. You should be able tosell one side's wallpaper repeatedly.Have a Sim with a high creative level. Start a painting or a sculpture. After ithas been started, tell that Sim to stop, then have another Sim (with no creativepoints) finish it. Sell it, and you will still get as much money as you would ifthe Sim that originally started it had also finished it. You can even have yourkids finish your painting and still get as much as if the parent did the painting.
Life Of Crime Career Path
Prevent a thief from escaping in Get A Life mode to unlock the Life Of Crimecareer path in all modes.
All Objects
Successfully complete Get A Life mode to unlock all objects.
The Sims 2 Gamecube Cheat Codes
Cheat Mode
At the main menu, press L + R to unlock the cheat menu. Then, enter one of thefollowing codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
First Person View
Enter FISH EYE at the cheat menu. Press X totoggle between normal and first person view.
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We have no easter eggs for The Sims yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
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Created by: Big button smasher.Read the full guide...
Created by: chaosonicboy.Read the full guide...