Pokemon Trading Card Game Gba Cheats Gameshark

  1. Pokemon Trading Card Game Gba Cheats Gameshark Gba
  2. Pokemon Trading Card Game Gameboy Gameshark Codes
  3. Pokemon Trading Card Game Gba Cheats Gameshark Emulator

Get all the inside info, cheats, hacks, codes, walkthroughs for Pokemon Card GB2 on GameSpot. Before copying Pokemon Fire Red Origins Cheat Codes, we will give you the instructions to use them: Please sure that your GBA Emulator supports to enter Gameshark Codes. If not, please use VBA. Choose File Open and load your Pokemon Fire Red Origins ROM. 83000F9C 0000 Only works when you start the game. Add cheat and turn it off. Go to the bushes and wait til Prof.Oak tells you don’t go out and once you go to the lab, go pick a Pokemon and say yes this is your choice and then when it says give it a nickname turn on the cheat and move on to the next Pokemon without answering and click on the next Pokemon and turn off the cheat.

Pokemon Trading Card Game Gameboy For a detailed walkthrough of Pokemon Trading Card Game, click here! Reset While in Game: Press A + B + Start + Select during game play to reset the game. By: IronsharpA pretty fun 1998(JP)/2000(US) port of the first three US sets (Base, Jungle, Fossil, plus some neat GB-only card.

(Fake) Maxed Out Album: 01E2CDD3

Pokemon Diabound - Gameshark - Cheat Code; Pokemon Hyper Emerald 807 English Patched Cheat Codes; Pokemon Star Movesets; Pokemon Star Pokemon Stats. 151 PokeMon Gameshark Codes: On your gamshark type in 01.D8CF (in the. put in one of the numbers or letters bellow) please don't e mail me with your problems. Codes may erase your game, if it erased your game, it would say something like, 'Gamefile Erased,' quickly turn the game off and try again.

(Fake) Have All Medals: 0108CCD3

Infinite HP-Player Active Pokemon: 01FFC8C2

Infinite HP-Player Bench Pokemon Slot 1: 01FFC9C2

Infinite HP-Player Bench Pokemon Slot 2: 01FFCAC2

Infinite HP-Player Bench Pokemon Slot 3: 01FFCBC2

Infinite HP-Player Bench Pokemon Slot 4: 01FFCCC2

Infinite HP-Player Bench Pokemon Slot 5: 01FFCDC2

No HP-Enemy Active Pokemon (Also Quick Win If They Attack You):0100C8C3

No HP-Enemy Bench Pokemon Slot 1: 0100C9C3

No HP-Enemy Bench Pokemon Slot 2: 0100CAC3

No HP-Enemy Bench Pokemon Slot 3: 0100CBC3

No HP-Enemy Bench Pokemon Slot 4: 0100CCC3

No HP-Enemy Bench Pokemon Slot 5: 0100CDC3

No Energy Attachment Rule: 90000BCC

Coin Always Lands on Heads: 01019DCD

Coin Always Lands on Tails: 01009DCD
With these, it may not appear the way you have it set, but thegame will treat it as if it is.

Infinite Booster Packs in the Mail:

This makes it so that slots one through four in your mail box onthe PC contain an unread mail message with one of each boosterpack.

Minutes Played Modifier: 01XXC7CA

Hours Played Modifier: 01XXC8CA

Extra Booster Packs:

This makes it so that slots five and six in the mail each containone of Dr. Mason's mails where he gives two booster packs.Colosseum and Evolution are in five, Mystery and Laboratory arein six.

Cards in Booster Pack Modifier: 01??XXC4

This makes it so that whenever you receive abooster pack, there will be an extra card at the space specifiedby the digits replacing XX, the card corresponds to the quantitydigits you entered for ??. If you don't want to risk any bugs,keep XX set to 00. You can change XX to virtually anything youwant for the card to be in a different spot (00 is the firstspot, 0A is the eleventh), but if it is the digits for the lastspot, the last card will also be repeated once. If any higher, itwon't work, unless you also have enough inserted previously.Example: you could have 0A, 0B, 0C, and 0D; but not 0B, 0C, 0D,and 0E, as this would start beyond the end. Use this repeatingmethod to get as many as you want.

If you enter 010A00C4 and 01A101C4, every booster pack youreceive will contain the Phantom Card Pop! cards (Mew LV15 andVenusaur LV64).

If the above code won't work, try 0163XXA1, which automaticallyraises the number of the specified card that you own to 99.

Cards in your deck modifier: 01XX00E4 - 01XX3BE4 Replace XX withthe card quantity digits.

Cards in opponents deck modifier - 01XX80E4 - 01XXBBE4


Your Active Pokémon Modifier - 01XXBBC2

Bench 1 Pokémon Modifier - 01XXBCC2

Bench 2 Pokémon Modifier - 01XXBDC2

Bench 3 Pokémon Modifier - 01XXBEC2

Bench 4 Pokémon Modifier - 01XXBFC2

Bench 5 Pokémon Modifier - 01XXC0C2

Status of Opponents Pokémon Modifier - 01XXF0E3

Use the following digits: 00 Fine -01 Confused- 02 Asleep-03Paralyzed

Poison Status of Opponent's Pokémon Modifier - 01XXF0C3
Use the following digits: 00 - Not Poisoned
80 - Poisoned
F0 - Severely Poisoned

Energy Attached Modifier - 0110XXC2
With this, you will have one energy of the specified typeattached to your active Pokémon for each time you have XXreplaced with a different quantity. The following are thepossible digits, they correspond to the energy cards in yourdeck, ordered by how their quantity digits (below) correspond.
00-07 - Energy 1
08-0F - Energy 2
10-17 - Energy 3
18-1F - Energy 4
20-27 - Energy 5
28-2F - Energy 6
30-37 - Energy 7

Only one prize left: 0101ECC2

Quantity Digits
Here is a list of all the quantity digits needed for the Top Cardin Booster Pack Modifier and First Card in Hand Modifier. For thePokémon with more than one type of the same name, I specifiedthe set each comes from (GB, Jungle, Fossil, or Promo). With noset afterwards, it is in the Base Set. If you see two by the samename but no set specification, the cards are the same except forbackgrounds.
Grass Energy: 01
Fire Energy: 02
Water Energy: 03
Lightning Energy: 04
Fighting Energy: 05
Psychic Energy: 06
Double Colorless Energy: 07
Bulbasaur: 08
Ivysaur: 09
Venusaur (Card Pop! Promo): 0A
Venusaur: 0B
Caterpie: 0C
Metapod: 0D
Butterfree: 0E
Weedle: 0F
Kakuna: 10
Beedrill: 11
Ekans: 12
Arbok: 13
Nidoran Female: 14
Nidorina: 15
Nidoqueen: 16
Nidoran Male: 17
Nidorino: 18
Nidoking: 19
Zubat: 1A
Golbat: 1B
Oddish: 1C
Gloom: 1D
Vileplume: 1E
Paras: 1F
Parasect: 20
Venonat: 21
Venomoth: 22
Bellsprout: 23
Weepinbell: 24
Victreebell: 25
Grimer: 26
Muk: 27
Exeggcute: 28
Exeggutor: 29
Koffing: 2A
Wheezing: 2B
Tangela (GB): 2C Tangela: 2D
Scyther: 2E
Pinsir: 2F
Charmander: 30
Charmelion: 31
Charizard: 32
Vulpix: 33
Ninetales: 34
Ninetales (GB): 35
Growlithe: 36
Arcanine (Promo): 37
Arcanine: 38
Ponyta: 39
Rapidash: 3A
Magmar: 3B
Magmar (Fossil): 3C
Flareon (GB): 3D
Flareon (Jungle): 3E
Moltres: 3F
Legendary Moltres: 40
Squirtle: 41
Wartortle: 42
Blastoise: 43
Psyduck: 44
Golduck: 45
Poliwag: 46
Poliwhirl: 47
Poliwrath: 48
Tentacool: 49
Tentacruel: 4A
Seel: 4B
Dewgong: 4C
Shellder: 4D
Cloister: 4E
Krabby: 4F
Kingler: 50
Horsea: 51
Seadra: 52
Goldeen: 53
Seaking: 54
Staryu: 55
Starmie: 56
Magikarp: 57
Gyarados: 58
Lapras: 59
Vaporeon (GB): 5A
Vaporeon (Jungle): 5B
Omanyte: 5C
Omastar: 5D
Articuno: 5E
Legendary Articuno: 5F
Pikachu: 60
Pikachu (Jungle): 61
Pikachu (promo): 62
Pikachu (promo): 63
Flying Pikachu: 64
Surfing Pikachu: 65
Surfing Pikachu: 66
Raichu: 67
Raichu (Fossil): 68
Magnemite: 69
Magnemite (GB): 6A
Magneton: 6B
Magneton (Fossil): 6C
Voltorb: 6D
Electrode (GB): 6E
Electrode (Jungle): 6F
Electabuzz (Promo): 70
Electabuzz: 71
Jolteon (GB): 72
Jolteon: 73
Zapdos: 74
Zapdos (Fossil): 75
Legendary Zapdos: 76
Sandshrew: 77
Sandslash: 78
Diglett: 79
Dugtrio: 7A
Mankey: 7B
Primeape: 7C
Machop: 7D
Machoke: 7E
Machamp: 7F
Geodude: 80
Graveler: 81
Golem: 82
Onix: 83
Cubone: 84
Marowak (Jungle): 85
Marowak (GB): 86
Hitmonlee: 87
Hitmonchan: 88
Rhyhorn: 89
Rhydon: 8A
Kabuto: 8B
Kabutops: 8C
Aerodactlyl: 8D
Abra: 8E
Kadabra: 8F
Alakazam: 90
Slowpoke (Promo): 91
Slowpoke (Fossil): 92
Slowbro: 93
Gastly: 94
Gastly (Fossil): 95
Haunter (Fossil): 96
Haunter: 97
Gengar: 98
Drowzee: 99
Hypno: 9A
Mr. Mime: 9B
Jynx: 9C
Mewtwo: 9D
Mewtwo (Promo): 9E
Mewtwo (Promo): 9F
Mew (Promo): A0
Mew (Card Pop! Promo): A1
Mew: A2
Pidgey: A3
Pidgeotto: A4
Pidgeot (GB): A5
Pidgeot (Jungle): A6
Rattata: A7
Raticate: A8
Spearow: A9
Fearow: AA
Clefairy: AB
Clefable: AC
Jigglypuff (Promo): AD
Jigglypuff (GB): AE
Jigglypuff (Jungle): AF
Wigglytuff: B0
Meowth (GB): B1
Meowth (Jungle): B2
Persian: B3
Farfetch'd: B4
Doduo: B5
Dodrio: B6
Lickitung: B7
Chansey: B8
Kangaskhan: B9
Tauros: BA
Ditto: BB
Eevee: BC
Porygon: BD
Snorlax: BE
Dratini: BF
Dragonair: C0
Legendary Dragonite: C1
Dragonite: C2
Professor Oak: C3
Imposter Professor Oak: C4
Bill: C5
Mr. Fuji: C6
Lass: C7
Imakuni?: C8
Pokemon Trader: C9
Pokemon Breeder: CA
Clefairy Doll: CB
Mysterious Fossil: CC
Energy Retrieval: CD
Super Energy Retrieval: CE
Energy Search:: CF
Energy Removal: D0
Super Energy Removal: D1
Switch: D2
Pokemon Center: D3
Pokeball: D4
Scoop Up: D5
Computer Search: D6
Pokedex: D7
Pluspower: D8
Defender: D9
Item Finder: DA
Gust of Wind: DB
Devolution Spray: DC
Potion: DD
Super Potion: DE
Full Heal: DF
Revive: E0
Maintenance: E1
Pokemon Flute: E2
Gambler: E3
Recycle: E4

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Get the latest Pokemon Trading Card Game cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Game Boy (GB). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!

Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Game Boy cheats we have available for Pokemon Trading Card Game.

Promo Cards

When you get 3 medals go to the Challenge halland battle the 3 people there. Once you beatthem you will get a Lv.60 Mewtwo. Then do thesame thing for 6 medals(3 more) and you will geta Lv.8 Mew.

A Promo Pikachu Card

Go in to the fighting club and talk to the manwho is sitting down near the table, just give himthe pokemon cards that he wanted, he'll give youthe card at last!

Card Pop! Specials

Challenge Cup Prizes

Go to the top center of the game map to find the Challenge Cup. You can competein the Challenge Cup located in the Challenge Hall after you obtain your 3rd and5th medal. If you battle there, you will get a rare card. It is hard to get in,because it is usually closed. Keep on visiting after every battle. If you enter, youwill fight three trainers. The third one will be Ronald if you did not complete thegame. After you complete the game, Ronald will not appear. These are the cardsthat you can get:

Ronald's Revenge

After you get all 228 cards, go to the Challenge Hall and the last person youbattle will be Ronald.

Defeating Ronald

After you defeat the four Grand Masters, you will battle Ronald. He got to thecards one step ahead of you. Ronald's deck already has the four legendary cards,and thus is difficult to beat. Use Hitmonlee's (Lv. 30) Stretch Kick and knockout Ronald's benched Pokemon one by one. This is best done when he has hisKangaskhan on the arena, because he will need three energy cards to retreat.Since this kick does not apply resistance on the benched Pokemon, they can stillbe hurt even if they have resistance to Hitmonlee (Fighting).

More Cards From The Grand Masters

After defeating the four Grand Masters, go back and fight them again to win morecards.

Grand Masters Victory

When you defeat the Grand Masters, go to the deck machine on the top of thescreen before you get the cards to build a strong deck. If you do not do this,the game will proceed to the credits and you will have to battle again.

Finding Mitch's Students

In order to fight Mitch of the Fighting Club, you must first defeat his threestudents. They are all training at different clubs. Jessica is in the LightningClub, in the room on the left. Chris is in the Rock Club in the same room. Thelast student, Michael, is in the Grass Club just as you walk in. He will be nextto the plant. After you defeat them, they will all return to the Fighting Club.

Fire Club Trade

To get the Lv.9 promo Slowpoke easier, put all of your energies except one intemporary decks. Then, talk to the boy. He will reveal the location for only oneenergy.

Pokemon Trading Card Game Gba Cheats Gameshark

Different Cards In Challenge Cup

When you are in the Challenge Cup, save the game after defeating the second tothe last opponent. After you defeat the opponent and win a card, if it is onethat you already have or do not want, shut off the game and continue from thesave. You should be at the very last opponent. After you defeat him there will bea different card than the last time. Note: This may be repeated as many times asneeded.

Imanuki Card

Go to each club lounge until you find Imakuni. Then, battle him to get fourbooster packs for each victory. However, he may instead give you his Imakunicard. Repeat this until you have most of the cards needed to build a healthy deck.

Ishihara's Disappearance

Pokemon Trading Card Game Gba Cheats Gameshark Gba

After you trade Ishihara all the cards she will disappear. Go to the Rock Cluband a woman will tell you that Ishihara left.

Faster Card Shuffling

Press B if you do not want to wait for the cards to be done shuffling.

Walk Faster

Just before the opponent's coin is displayed when battling an opponent, press Up.If done correctly, it will land on tails most of the time.

Get Heads On Coin

When the Pikachu coin is spinning right on Pikachu's face, press A. Note: Thisrequires precise timing.

Familiar Face

When you go to the Psychic Card Club there is a person in green. He is yourcharacter in the Red, Blue, and Yellow versions of Pokemon.

Free Booster Pack

After getting your own deck, go to Sam and offer to play a real duel. You willuse the same practice deck and the flow of the game will be the same as duringthe tutorial. If you win, you will get booster pack full of energy.

Booster Packs From Professor Mason

Professor Mason will give you a booster pack after every e-mail he sends you.

Get Different Cards From Professor Mason

Save the game before reading the e-mail from Professor Mason. Whenever you get atype of card you do not want, reload the game. The cards will be different whenthe game is resumed.

Charizard Card

Select the Charmander and Friends deck at the start of the game.

Retry Battle

When you have a bad outcome or use a wrong attack in a battle, just turn thesystem off. This will save the battle, which you can return to and repeat yourturn. This is useful when you do not want to lose a Pokemon. Simply allow youropponent to attack, then turn off the Game Boy.

Unlimited Energy Cards

After you defeat the first person, go and defeat him again and to get a boosterpack full of energy cards. You can repeat this trick as needed.

We have no cheats or codes for Pokemon Trading Card Game yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no unlockables for Pokemon Trading Card Game yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no easter eggs for Pokemon Trading Card Game yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no glitches for Pokemon Trading Card Game yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Pokemon Trading Card Game Gameboy Gameshark Codes

Created by: Mew.Read the full guide...

Pokemon Trading Card Game Gba Cheats Gameshark Emulator

Created by: cooolo.Read the full guide...