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My Talking Tom Max Level 110 Official HD My Talking Tom Android/iPhone/iPad y Talking Tom Dress Up Gameplay/Walkthrough My Talking Tom iOS/iPhone Games Pleas. Get the latest My Talking Tom cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for iPhone (iOS). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play! Use the above links or scroll down see all to the iPhone cheats we have available for My Talking Tom. My Activity Streams. New Topics Recent Status Updates Recent Status Updates Search Our Picks More. ViP Subscriptions Donations My Details. Gift Cards More. Clubs Awards ARMConverter. HEX to ARM Converter Branch Calculator App Info More. There are 217 Talking Tom games on 4J.Com, such as Talking Tom Gold Run Online, Talking Tom Funny Time and Angela Real Dentist. We have picked the best Talking Tom games which you can play online for free. All of these games can be played online directly, without register or download needed. We also add new games daily to ensure you won't. Talking Tom is not unlike any other cat. He wants someone to play with, feed him, put him to sleep and take him to the bathroom. My Talking Tom presents the two editions of Talking Tom Cat 1 and 2. In this virtual pet game, you have to keep the Talking Tom Cat kitten happy, just as you would with a real pet.
Everything you need to know about the hit virtual pet game.
Tamagotchi games have come a long way since those bulky bits of nagging plastic that were so popular in the 90s. Mobile phone virtual pets are the new craze, and My Talking Tom is not just one of the best, it's also a game that kids in particular will absolutely love.
My Talking Tom Game For Free
Here's the complete lowdown on how the game works, and what you need to know about keeping your kitty happy.
How does the mouse-catching game work in My Talking Tom?
There are a few handy tips we can give you to make sure you clean up in the mouse-catching mini-game. First of all, you don't have to worry about timing much at all. Just keep spamming finger taps on the busiest lane, and you'll bag all the mice with ease. To get hold of the coins, just keep tapping on the lane and they'll eventually move up towards kitty. Once they're nearby, another tap will bag you the cash.
How can I get more free coins in My Talking Tom?
As well as participating in coin-earning activities, you can also take part in a few promotional offers to get your hands on some free coins. The biggest, easiest injection of cash you can get is to enable Push Notifications under the Free Coins option in the cash store. That's 500 coins for nothing, although note you'll get reminders whenever your cat requires attention. Playing other games, and watching videos rewards less coins, but both options are in the same area of the cash store if you're really strapped.
How can I get more food in My Talking Tom?

It's really, really important that you don't overfeed your cat in My Talking Tom - once he or she is at 100%, you'll only waste food by giving it to them. Instead, keep a close eye on hunger levels from time to time, and top up as needed.
That's saving food, then, but how do you get your hands on more delicious treats? Go the kitchen, and then tap anywhere on the screen that's not your cat. Different foods, potions, and treats have a different impact on your cat's hunger levels, so pay attention to what bonuses are available to help you solve a problem you might be having. Note that you won't be able to access certain foods until you've leveled up your cat.
How do I play with my cat in My Talking Tom?
Your cat doesn't just need food and shelter, it wants your attention constantly too - just like the real thing. To play with your cat, just tap on him over the screen, and his playtime happiness icon will slowly work its way up towards 100%. As with the other stats, you can't increase your cat's happiness passed 100%, so move on to another area once you've maxed it out.
How do I change my cat's name in My Talking Tom?
Sadly, you can't change your cat's name once you've selected one at the start of the game, so make absolutely sure you're happy with the once you've chosen.
How do I send my cat to sleep in My Talking Tom?
After all that eating and playing, you cat needs plenty of rest. Here's a tip to make this boring task pass more quickly. Anytime you go off to do something other than play the game, head to the bed section and bag some shut-eye while you're absent. You must make sure you turn the light switch off by tapping on the lampshade though - if you don't, your cat won't go to sleep.
My Talking Tom Cheats

How do I redecorate my kitchen in My Talking Tom?
My Talking Tom Hack
To give your kitchen a new makeover, tap on the shopping trolley icon, and then tap on the word Kitchen. From here you can change the wallpaper, blinds, refrigerator type and tablecloth. These are only cosmetic changes, so you might want to spend your hard-earned coins elsewhere at first. Certain items only become available when you've reached a certain level, so keep checking back to see what you can switch around.
My Talking Tom Game Cheats Games
What new outfits are available in My Talking Tom?
You can give your cat a hat (really), glasses (again...), change his fur type, and change the color of his eyes. As with most other upgrades, you can only buy certain options when you've reached the appropriate level.
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