Godzilla Game Ps4 Cheats

  • 90,000 store points

Enter 031406 as a code.
  • Alternate ending

  1. Godzilla for PS4 and PS3 Gets a Ton of Monstrous 1080p Screenshots and a Trailer. Screenshot dualshockers.com. Godzilla: The Game PS4/PS3 Trailer Premiers at The Game Awards.
  2. Godzilla 1954; Unlock all monsters except for Godzilla 1990s at the shop. Godzilla 1954 will now be unlocked for purchase at the shop for 100,000. Godzilla 1990's; Successfully complete the game with a one monster from every faction, then unlock one bonus monster from each faction. Godzilla 1990's will now be unlocked for purchase at the shop.
  3. As a diehard Godzilla fan, I did find this game to be enjoyable, it was received well in Japan (back in 2014 on PS3 and PS4). The graphics are find to me, I am literally playing this game on the PS4, and it looks nothing like a PS2 game (said by ignorant gamers). This game is a PS3 game being was ported to a PS4. The designs are nicely executed.
To unlock an alternate ending as any of the Earth Defenders or GDF monsters, acquire all of the seven Power Surges. You will receive the 'Tyrant' ending (instead of the 'Hero' ending) upon completing Story mode.

Godzilla has awoken once more and is ready for battle once again! Hot on the heels of the new movie (Godzilla: King of the Monsters), Nexon has released a brand new game.

  • Bonuses

Successfully complete the game with Godzilla to unlock the following bonuses.
Concept Art: Pictures 1 through 24.
Levels :London, Monster Island, Mothership, New York, Seattle, Tokyo.
Monsters: Baragon, Battra, Mecha King Ghidorah, Mechgodzilla2, MegaGurious, Methra, Moguera, Obsidius, Orga, Space Godzilla, Godzilla 1990, Jet Jaguar.
Video: Trailers, Video 1, Video 2.
  • Cheat mode

Press X + Up to display the cheat entry screen. If that does not work then finish a characters story and go to continue. Then, skip the animation and hold X.
  • Display HUD

Enter 858585 as a code.
  • Easy points

Fight a two player battle in Brawl mode. You will earn has much as 1,000 points to spend in the store. This helps unlock more characters faster than playing through Story mode multiple times.
  • Hide HUD

Enter 585858 as a code.
  • Power surge attacks

After activating any of the various Power Surges, press Square + Circle to unleash a Power Surge attack. These attacks vary from each of the seven Power Surges (each Power Surge attack is a variant from Godzilla 90's Nuclear Pulse RAGE attack from Godzilla: Save The Earth). Note: Due to a glitch, the Power Surge attacks may or may not do any damage to enemies when used.
  • Power Surges

You can acquire Power Surges by defeating any monster that is under the influence of Power Surge crystals (the monster will be using a Power Surge). To activate any of the acquired Power Surges, press Square + Circle at any time during a battle. Each Power Surge can only be used once per battle. Also, the Power Surge used will be random. Note: Power Surges can only be used in Story mode.
  • Set day

Enter 0829[XX] as a code. Note: [XX] is Day 0-based. For example, entering 082910 would take you to Day 11 of the saved game you are currently playing. This code only works after you have started a saved game.
  • Show Monster moves

Enter 411411 as a code. Moves will appear under the HUD.
  • Toggle version number

Enter 787321 as a code.
  • Unlock everything

Enter 204935 as a code.


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  • Alternate ending

To unlock an alternate ending as any of the Earth Defenders or GDF monsters, acquire all of the seven Power Surges. You will receive the 'Tyrant' ending (instead of the 'Hero' ending) upon completing Story mode.
  • Baragon

Play the 'Friend In Need' level at Monster Island as the Alien faction. Free Baragon from the crystals and complete the level. Then, play the 'Baragon' level at Monster Island and defeat Baragon to unlock it for purchase at the shop for 15,000.
  • Biollante

Play the 'Rumble In The Surf' level at Tokyo as the Earth Defenders faction. Destroy the building wrapped with vines with a glowing green base in the arena. Biollante will briefly appear. Complete the level, then play the 'Biollante' level at Tokyo. Defeat Biollante to unlock it for purchase at the shop for 30,000.
  • Cheat mode

Press A + Up to display the cheat entry screen. If that does not work then finish a characters story and go to continue. Then, skip the animation and hold A.
  • Cheats and Tips

Faction unlock
Requirements: None
Price: 12,000
Global Defense Force
Requirements: None
Price: 5,000
Requirements: Beat Story Mode
Price: 15,000
Character unlock
Requirements: Using the Alien faction, play 'Friend in Need' at Monster Island. On the isle, simply free Baragon from the influence of the crystals and complete the stage. Afterwards, play the 'Baragon' stage at Monster Island and defeat the creature to add him to the shop.
Price: 15,000
Requirements: Using the Earth Defenders, play the 'Rumble in the Surf' at Tokyo. In the arena, there should be a building with a glowing green base and vines wrapped around it. Destroy this structure to have Biollante briefly emerge and then disappear. After beating this level, select the stage 'Biollante' at Tokyo next, and beat the genetic monster to be able to purchase her at the shop.
Price: 30,000
Godzilla 1954
Requirements: Have all other monsters, save Godzilla 1990s, available at the shop or have a certain amount of playtime registered on the game (exact figure unknown at this time).
Price: 100,000
Godzilla 1990s
Requirements: Buy at least one monster from each faction or beat the game with each faction. Cheats
Price: 20,000
Jet Jaguar
Requirements: Unlock Global Defense Force Faction
Price: 30,000
King Caesar
Requirements: None
Price: 10,000
Requirements: Using the Alien faction, play the 'Terran Mind-Control' level at New York. In the metropolis, destroy a large crystal structure with odd rock plates at the base that is found in the crater. Much later (around nine days after), the 'Rise of Krystalak' stage will appear at New York and after selecting it and beating the monster the crystal creation will be added to the shop.
Price: 20,000
Mecha-King Ghidorah
Requirements: Using the Earth Defenders, play the 'Invasion' at San Francisco. In the level, which features the Mothership looming overhead, simply defeat King Ghidorah. After this victory, select 'M.K.G.' at San Francisco and beat Mecha-King Ghidorah to be able to purchase the cyborg creature. It should be noted that since you have to face King Ghidorah in
the 'Invasion' level the player must select a character from the Earth Defenders that will allow this confrontation to happen, such as Anguirus or Baragon.
Price: 50,000
Requirements: Unlock Alien Faction
Price: 25,000
Mechagodzilla 2
Requirements: Unlock Global Defense Force Faction
Price: 15,000
Requirements: Using the Earth Defenders, play the 'Enter General Gyozen' stage at London. At the city, destroy three giant light teal crystals. Once this is complete, near the end of the game, after the Atoragon is defeated, the 'Wrath of Megaguirus' stage will appear at London. Select this and simply beat the monster to add it to the shop. Note: the 'Enter General Gyozen' stage does not actually say 'reveal a new monster'.
Price: 20,000
Requirements: Unlock Global Defense Force Faction
Price: 5,000
Requirements: None
Price: 10,000
Requirements: Using the Global Defense Force Faction, play the 'Big Trouble' stage at Seattle. At the volcanic area, destroy the two cone shaped crystals down where the lava meets the water then complete the level. Afterwards, select 'Birth of Obsidius' at Seattle and defeat the monster to add him to the shop.
Price: 20,000
Requirements: Unlock Alien Faction
Price: 50,000
Requirements: Using the Mutant Faction, collect at least four Power Surges and then beat the 'Tyrant' level at the end of the game. This will add SpaceGodzilla to the shop.
Price: 100,000
Requirements: Using the Global Defense Force Faction, play the 'Soloist' stage at Sydney. On the frozen land, destroy three circular 'cake-shaped' ice structures that appear just outside the force field, meaning a beam will have to be used. After the ice structures are destroyed, and the level cleared, play the 'Awakening Titanosaurus' level at Sydney and defeat the dinosaur to add him to the shop.
Price: 25,000
Requirements: Using the Alien Faction, play the 'On the Mothership ' level. On this stage, destroy all three purple structures on the wall. This will be fairly difficult, as each must be destroyed by the player's beam at a range where it's hard to tell if it was actually destroyed or not until backing away. Once this task is done, and the level beaten, select 'Evicting Varan' on the Mothership level and defeat the creature to add him to the shop.
Price: 30,000
Stage unlock
Requirements: None
Price: 15,000
Monster Island
Requirements: None
Price: 10,000
Requirements: Either blast down the ship in the 'Invasion' at San Francisco stage and select the Mothership as the next stage choice, or play as the Alien faction and select the level after one of the other factions has taken down the vessel. After either of these events, the stage should be available for purchase.
Price: 35,000
New York
Requirements: None
Price: 30,000
Requirements: None
Price: 25,000
Requirements: None
Price: 20,000
Opening Cheat Menu
To open the cheat input area, simply press A and up on the directional pad on the remote at the same time while Story mode is highlighted on the main menu.
Toggle Game Version Number: 787321
Set Day in Story Mode: 0829XX
The 'XX' is the exact day you want +1. So 09 would generate a result of Day 10. Please note that you must have started a save game already for this to work.
Add 90000 store points: 031406
Show Monster Moves: 411411
Unlock All: 204935 | Submitted by Cheatzilla
  • Easy points

Fight a two player battle in Brawl mode. You will earn has much as 1,000 points to spend in the store. This helps unlock more characters faster than playing through Story mode multiple times.
  • Godzilla 1954

Unlock all monsters except for Godzilla 1990s at the shop. Godzilla 1954 will now be unlocked for purchase at the shop for 100,000.
  • Godzilla 1990's

Successfully complete the game with a one monster from every faction, then unlock one bonus monster from each faction. Godzilla 1990's will now be unlocked for purchase at the shop for 20,000.
  • Jet Jaguar

Godzilla Ps4 Buy

Unlock the Global Defense Force faction to also make Jet Jaguar available for purchase at the shop for 30,000.
  • Krystalak

Play the 'Terran Mind-Control' level at New York as the Alien faction. Destroy the large crystal structure with rock plates at the base found inside the crater. The 'Rise Of Krystalak' level will eventually become unlocked at New York. Play it and defeat Krystalak to unlock it at the shop for 20,000.
  • Mechagodzilla

Unlock the Alien faction to unlock Mechagodzilla for purchase at the shop for 25,000.
  • Mechagodzilla 2

Unlock the Global Defense Force faction to unlock Mechagodzilla 2 for purchase at the shop for 15,000.
  • Mecha-King Ghidorah

Play the 'Invasion' level at San Francisco as a Earth Defenders faction monster that can face King Ghidorah (for example, Anguirus or Baragon). Defeat King Ghidorah then play the 'Mecha-King Ghidorah' level at San Francisco. Defeat Mecha-King Ghidorah to unlock it for purchase at the shop for 50,000.
  • Megaguirus

Play the 'Enter General Gyozen' level at London as the Earth Defenders faction. Destroy the three giant light teal crystals. Note: There will be no monster unlocked message. Then, near the end of the game defeat Atoragon to unlock the 'Wrath Of Megaguirus' level at London. Play that level and defeat Megaguirus to unlock it at the shop for 20.000.
  • Moguera

Unlock the Global Defense Force faction to unlock Moguera at the shop for 5,000.
  • Mothership area

Shoot down the ship in the 'Invasion' level at San Francisco. You can now select the Mothership as an area for purchase at the shop for 35,000. Alternately, play as the Alien faction. You can select the Mothership after another faction shoots down the ship.

Godzilla Game Ps4 Cheats Xbox One

  • Mutant faction

Successfully complete Story mode to unlock the Mutant faction for purchase at the shop for 15,000.
  • Obsidius

Play the 'Big Trouble' level at Seattle as the Global Defense Force faction. Locate the two cone-like crystals in the volcanic area, where the lava is at the water. Destroy them, then complete the level. Then, play the 'Birth of Obsidius' level at Seattle and defeat Obsidius to unlock it for purchase at the shop for 20,000.
  • Orga

Unlock the Alien faction to unlock Orga for purchase at the shop for 50,000.
  • Space Godzilla

Collect at least four Power Surges then complete the 'Tyrant' level as the Mutant Faction. Space Godzilla will be unlocked for purchase at the shop for 100,000.
  • Titanosaurus

Play the 'Soloist' level at Sydney as the Global Defense Force faction. Destroy the three flat circular ice structures just outside the force field on the frozen land with a beam weapon. Complete the level, then play the 'Awakening Titanosaurus' level at Sydney. Defeat Titanosaurus to unlock it for purchase at the shop for 25,000.
  • Varan

Play the 'On The Mothership ' level as the Alien Faction. Destroy the three purple objects on the wall and complete the level. Then, play the 'Evicting Varan' level at the Mothership and defeat Varan to unlock it for purchase at the shop for 30,000.


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