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- Kingdom Hearts Chain Of Memories Cheat Codes Ps4
- Kingdom Hearts Chain Of Memories Cheat Codes
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Kingdom Hearts: Chain Of Memories GamesShark Codes Diposting oleh Christian, Minggu, 21 Maret 2010 01.41 Press Select To Refill HP In-Battle. Enjoy the codes Thanks to ING.com.
Interesting that the article claims they encrypted the codes for legal reasons.I don't really buy it, though. Listing a numeric offset can't possibly be any kind of legal risk, and anyone with a brain would understand that's how the device worked anyway. And especially, Nintendo could easily disassemble the BIOS and see the grade-school level cipher being used. Plus, Pro Action Replay used raw address:value pairs and never had any issues.
I always figured the point was to make it hard for normal people to tweak the codes, and to bloat out their code lists. You can have 'Start with 3 lives; 5 lives; 9 lives', but if the last value is 03,05,09 ... then there's not much point in offering three codes.
I got tired of the shady websites full of ads giving you Game Genie codes for the wrong regions, so I worked with another person (mightymo) who made a list of all known codes. Then I decoded all of them to raw address:value pairs, and I ship all of those codes in a database with my emulator. The downside of this is you can't input your own codes in the weird Game Genie encode format. But so far, no one has complained.
Now moving onto the GBA era, and the devices just got disgusting. Each game would have a 'master code' you had to enter first. That was actually an RNG seed value for all subsequent codes. So many people must have wasted so much time hand-keying in those things for zero added value. I'm almost completely certain the purpose of those was for the manufacturers to protect their codes from being stolen by competitors with similar hardware devices.
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Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PlayStation 2 cheats we have available for Kingdom Hearts: Re-Chain of Memories.
Roxas Enemy Card
One attack card can inflict twice as much damage.Beat Riku Mode, and find in Twilight Town Key toRewards.
How To Defeat Marluxia
In the first fight, Marluxia is very slow inmovement and would rarely break your cards. Thebest techniques to use against him is blitz, andsonic blade. Be aware when he performs a move, themoment he does you must break his cards with0,8,9 cards. Once you beat him in the firstbattle he will be waiting behind a big whitedoor. I recommend that you would fight him if youare lvl 60 or up. When you fight for the secondtime he will be on a giant creature with sharpblades. The first thing you do is break thoseblades so you can attack him easily, once youbreak his blade, attack him normally by onlypressing the X button because his creature ison air and most of Sora's moves don't attack onmidair, beware of his techniques because if itssuccessful there is a big chance you won't comeout alive. I recommend that when ever he makesa move just choose the 3 strongest cards youhave and press triangle 4 times . Once you beathim for the second time you will challenge himthe third time and this time he is stronger thenbefore ,so just attack the way would usually dobut there is a time when he will hit you and allyour cards will scatter when that happenscollect all your cards as fast as you can beforethey disappear,and there will be also a timethat he will trap you and the only way to getout of it is breaking his cards individually (bysingle cards by using X button only) apparentlyhe will scatter your cards, and trap you morethen once so when you have the opportunity toattack him, every chance is precious because forevery time you have a chance to hit him you willbe able to take out approximately 1 and a halfbars of his health and eventually you will beathim.
White Mushrooms In White Rooms
When the white mushroom heartless starts shivering, shoot it with a fire magic card. When it leans back, begging, shoot it with an ice magic card. If it is slumped over, not doing anything, or thinking, DO NOT DO ANYTHING TO THEM. Do not use keyblades, summon cards, or friend cards. You may use items, but only that affect you. BE CAREFUL when targeting them. There is a lot of experience from each one, and the first one you get to leave will give you a premium bonus.
How To Beat Vexan In Twilight Town
After you beat Vexan the first time he will giveyou a world card and you will have to use it onthe big door. I know in the first game he nevervisited Twilight Town, but all will be revealed inKingdom Hearts 2. You need to have at least 12 to15 Fire spells, 3 cloud cards (you can get them inthe moogle shop), and at least 2 elixirs. Then gointo the Key of Beginnings door and you will haveto fight him again. before you do, put in all firespells you have and the elixirs to then take outall of the ice spells (don't get rid of them, youwill need them later). Just keep using fireagaand, once you run out of them, use an elixir anddo it again until you run out of elixirs thenstock the three cloud cards to use omnislash. Hittriangle when it flashes on-screen to add anattack. By then he should be dead but if he's notjust keep using strong attack cards and he shoulddie.[Look out for his new attack he says 'Come tome Ice Blade!' to dodge it you need to do 2 dodgerolls and then jump on the last attack (may notwork on the last attack).
Easier Battles In Castle Oblivion Floor
Whether you're playing as Sora or Riku thebattles on the Castle Oblivion Floor can bepretty tough. Well there's a solution. TheMartial Awakening Card powers up all of yourattack cards. So if you want to have easierbattles open doors using that card. It 'll makethe battles even more easier if you have attackcards ranging from 6-8. 9 cards stay as they are.Battles will be much easier if you use thistechnique.
Get Lady Luck Card
After hitting the vines with the purple flowersand entering the door, there will be some glowingflowers to your right. Hit them and the Lady Luckkey blade will be dropped
Pink Present Gift
Game Shark Cheat Codes For Kh Chian Of Memories Online
In the same area as the glowing flowers there isa pink gift box, hit it and you will get a prize.
How To Dodge Vexen's Freeze Attack!
As you fight him, he will use a move calledfreeze, which is almost impossible to dodge. Tododge it, you must wait until he says 'freeze.' Themoment he does, press the square button toroll so you can avoid taking a lot of damage.
How To Beat Larxene's Thunder Bolt!
Whenever she yells 'Lighting' dodge roll untilthe she stops. And be careful when she jumps and yells 'your done' or 'huh' she will do aMega Volt - to avoid it you need to stand right underher and right before she does it you do a dodgeroll, so do this over and over and you'll beather.
How To Beat Oogie Boogie
When he throws purple dice use a card that ishigher than his and the dice will be red and oneof the gates will close. Keep doing this until allthe gates are down and jump up and attack.
How To Learn Super Glide With Sora
In the last level of sora mode which is castleoblivion go to the door that needs key torewards which is the golden card and once youopen it you will find a treasure chestcontaining the ability to let sora glide fasterand better.

How To Beat The Trickmaster (Wonderland) In Riku Mode!
When you first fight the trick master you willhave only little amount of cards and plus thereall weak (0-5) to beat him you need to dodge hisattacks and wait for the right time to use duel,once you are in dueling mode you most break all hiscards and when it becomes successful he willtake a lot of damage, after that you just do itover and over again.
How To Beat Jafar In Agrahbah
When you start to fight Jafar he will be in hisgenie form and make lava pour from the walls. Thenwhen he starts lock on the parrot and keephitting the lamp that's with the parrot. Don't tryto attack Jafar because he will just block youfrom hitting him.
Wonder Land Doors
When you get to Wonder Land the doors will havevines on them. You don't hit them, you destroy thepurple flowers.
We have no cheats or codes for Kingdom Hearts: Re-Chain of Memories yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Organization XIII Cards
I found all the organiztion XIII cards, to find them you have to beat riku's story, and open a chest in traverse town, (getting hidden dragon) the cards are listed below (you need the golden treasure card for some of them): (as sora)
Instant Reload
To unlock Instant Reload, you need to beat Sora'sStory and the 'Reverse/Rebirth' story will beunlocked. Press New Game and Select 'Riku'from themenu that comes up. when your playing as Riku,your Reload card is black. When you Reload yourcards ,they will Reload instantly.
Hidden Dragon Card
Beat Guard Armor, go up a few floors, come back toTraverse Town, open a Calm Bounty Room, and thecard should be in there, If not, reopen more CalmBountys.
Ultima Attack Card
Beat Riku Mode and find in Chest or Moogle Shop inCastle Oblivion Floor
One Winged Angel Attack Card
After beating Riku mode, find in chest in TwilightTown.
Xehanort's Heartless's Enemy Card
It conceals stocked cards from opponents. BeatRiku Mode and find in chest in Castle Oblivion Floor.
Xemnas Enemy Card
Guards the second hit of a combo attack. Beat RikuMode and find in Wonderland Key to Rewards.
Xigbar Enemy Card
Powers up projectile attacks like Strike Raid,Fire, etc. Find in Hollow Bastion Key to Rewardsafter beating Riku Mode.
Xaldin Enemy Card
Aero remains in effect for a short period. Afterbeating Riku Mode, find in Monstro Key to Rewards.
Axel Enemy Card
Use cards, even when being hit. Get this bydefeating Axel on the Castle Oblivion Floor.
Kingdom Hearts Chain Of Memories Cheat Codes Ps4
Saix Enemy Card
Attack Cards powered up. Beat Riku Mode and findin Traverse Town Key to Rewards.
Zexion Enemy Card
Chance to confuse enemies as you attack. In SoraMode, beat Riku Mode, then find in chest inDestiny Islands. In Riku Mode, beat Zexion.
Lexaeus Enemy Card
Obliterate enemies with the finishing blow of acombo with a high success rate. In Sora mode, findthis by beating Riku Mode and finding it in achest in Castle Oblivion level. In Riku Mode, beatLexaeus.
Vexen Enemy Card
Revives you when HP hits 0. Get when defeatingVexen in Twilight Town.
Marluxia Enemy Card
Use sleights twice in a row, when using them. Toget card, beat Marluxia first form/Marluxia Replica.
Luxord Enemy Card
Always Card Break, regardless enemies cardnumbers. Beat Riku Mode and find in Agrabah Key toRewards.
Demyx Enemy Card
Power up water attacks like Aqua Splash, Blizzard,etc. Find in Atlantica Key to Rewards afterbeating Riku Mode.
Larxene Enemy Card
Increase running speed. To get card, beat Larxeneon the 12th Floor.(12 is Larxene's Organizationnumber!)
Kingdom Hearts: Reverse/Rebirth
Beat Sora's story mode to unlock Kingdom HeartsReverse/Rebirth. In this mode you can play as Riku.
We have no easter eggs for Kingdom Hearts: Re-Chain of Memories yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Kingdom Hearts Chain Of Memories Cheat Codes
We have no glitches for Kingdom Hearts: Re-Chain of Memories yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
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We have no guides or FAQs for Kingdom Hearts: Re-Chain of Memories yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.