Game In Ten Seconds How To Cheat

Cursed Gambler will need 5 seconds extra time / 10 seconds extra time / be unable to be rescued from the Sink by peer Gamblers. The Exclusive Cheat of The Drowner. Lucky Star: After placing the fireworks at a cardholder, any gambler who is within 8 meters of the cardholder will reveal their aura for 20 / 25 / 30 seconds. The Exclusive Skill of The Dread. 10 Seconds: Survive 10 seconds on Level Infinity. 20 Seconds: Survive 20 seconde on Level Infinity. 30 Seconds: Survive 30 seconds on Level Infinity. 40 Seconds: Survive 40 seconds on Level Infinity. 50 Seconds: Survive 50 seconds on Level Infinity. 60 Seconds: Survive 60 seconds on Level infinity. Completion: Complete all levels.

  1. Game In Ten Seconds How To Cheat Age Of Empires 2
  2. Game In Ten Seconds How To Cheat Sheet
  3. Game In Ten Seconds How To Cheat Ps2
  4. Game In Ten Seconds How To Cheats

The Cheats are a type of Unlockable and a core Game Mechanic in Soul at Stake.

Description[edit | edit source]

Game in ten seconds how to cheatsGame in ten seconds how to cheat sheet

The two different categories of cards Gamblers and Devils can draw when betting on the roulette wheel are Trumps and Cheats.

Cheats provide characters with additional buffs. Once Cheats are drawn they remain in the characters deck for them to keep (Cheats are not consumed at the end of a gamble (match). Currently each Gambler can obtain a total of five cheats, two of which are unique to each of them and cannot be obtained by the others.


Game In Ten Seconds How To Cheat Age Of Empires 2

The same is true for the Devils. The first Cheat has a random chance of appearing on the roulette wheel once a character has reached level 2. Subsequent Cheats can be drawn at levels 4, 8, 14 and 20. A maximum of 3 Cheats can be equipped by a character at a time. The first slot is available from the start, the second available once the character reaches level 5 and the third slot available at level 15. Cheats can be equipped when looking at your deck. Each Cheat is available in three tiers.

Cheats for the Gamblers[edit | edit source]

At Lightning SpeedAfter being attacked by the Devil, your movement speed is increased by 50 % / 75 % / 100 % within 3 seconds. Being attacked again during the effect refreshes the duration.

The Exclusive Cheat of Judie.

Backup CardGet an Ace immediately for consuming every 5 / 4 / 3 cards. One is bound to have a slip of the tongue if he talks too much. So, it is always best to have some reservations.

The Exclusive Cheat of Aoki.

BarbarianWhen Jacob buys items at the store, the Devil can't use the store in 20 / 30 / 40 seconds.

The Exclusive Cheat of Jacob.

Bribe GodWhen having no cards in hand, Henry may offer a multiple of 6 / 5 / 4 Stakes to seal a Joker in the cardholder, which represents the multiple.

The Exclusive Cheat of Henry.

Bribe DevilHenry may offer at most 36 / 30 / 24 Stakes to reduce the duration of negative effects.

The Exclusive Cheat of Henry.

BullyWhen a card is placed so that the actual number of points on the cardholder is exactly 10 or 20, the cardholder is unable to teleport in 10 / 20 / 30 seconds.

The Exclusive Cheat of Jacob.

ConcealWhen Daisy are trapped, she will not be sensed by the Devil 30 / 15 / 0 meters away from her. Also, the Devil will not hear the auditory warning.

The Exclusive Cheat of Daisy.

CryptographAfter Sophia seals a card and the green dots on the cardholder is an even number, the location and the number of green dots of the cardholder are exposed to all Gamblers for 10 / 20 / 30 seconds.

The Exclusive Cheat of Sophia.

Deeply HiddenIf there are no cards in your hand for over 40 / 30 / 20 seconds, you will get 3 Aces automatically.

The Exclusive Cheat of Aoki.

ExhortationWhen the Character carrying this Cheat is alive in the game, increases the Cardholder sealing speed of all Gamblers by 5 % / 10 % / 15 %. This effect cannot be stacked, and will only one inflicted on the one with the highest Level.

The Exclusive Cheat of Rose.

Extra ProfitWhenever Charles seal a card holder, he gains additional 2 / 4 / 8 stakes.

The Exclusive Cheat of Charles.

ForeshadowAngie can hear the heartbeats when she are within 5 / 6 / 7 meters from the Devil while running.

The Exclusive Cheat of Angie.

FortuneReduce the QTE occurrence rate by 20% / 30% / 50%.

A Common Gamblers' Cheat.

GritA surge of adrenaline empowers Daniel in dire moments, he frees himself 50% / 70% / 90% faster from traps.

The Exclusive Cheat of Daniel.

Helping HandYour healing speed is increased by 10% / 25% / 40%.

A Common Gamblers' Cheat.

InformativeExposes the store locations for 3 / 6 / 9 seconds when Sophia used up all cards in her hand and is not in the seriously wounded status. In the meanwhile, expose the aura of the Devil within 15 meters from the stores.

The Exclusive Cheat of Sophia.

PhoenixWhen injured, your aura are revealed to all other Gamblers. Also, when other Gamblers heal you, their healing speed will be increased by 10 % / 25 % / 40 %.

The Exclusive Cheat of Rose.

PilferingLasting 8 seconds within 9 meters of the Devil will steal 1 / 2 / 3 Stake from the Devil.

The Exclusive Cheat of Oliver.

ProfiteerCharles will gain 2 / 4 / 6 stakes after he successfully heals another Gambler.

The Exclusive Cheat of Charles.

ResilienceWhen you are seriously wounded again, your health will not be reduced to the execution line. Instead, you lose 45% / 35% / 25% of your current health.

A Common Gamblers' Cheat.

Road's GiftAll the cards consumed by the Gamblers to heal themselves, or the cards in the hand of a dead Gambler will be sent back at most 1 / 2 / 3 to the store randomly.

The Exclusive Cheat of Oliver.

SensationIncrease the range of Devil's heartbeat by 1 / 1.5 / 2 meters.

The Exclusive Cheat of Angie.

SilenceThe Devil needs to be 1 / 3 / 5 meters nearer to detect Daisy.

The Exclusive Cheat of Daisy.

SurvivalWhen Daniel seriously wounded, his bleeding speed is reduced by 10% / 15% / 20%.

The Exclusive Cheat of Daniel.

Walk In The MoonlightDodge distance increased by 0.3 / 0.4 / 0.5 meters. There is no threat beyond death.

The Exclusive Skill of Judie.

Cheats for the Devils[edit | edit source]

AtrocityThe Corpse's hits may be charged for 10% / 20% / 30% longer time. Cruelty is the only significance of violence.

The Exclusive Cheat of The Corpse.

Baleful GazeWhenever you teleport a mirror image, increase the aura detection range against Gamblers by 10 / 15 / 20 meters for 8 seconds.

The Exclusive Cheat of The Bride.

BloodthirstWhen you hit a Gambler, the cooldown of attacks is reduced by 10% / 20% / 30%.

A Common Devils' Cheat.

Crimson LuckA gambler who successfully destroys a firework will reveal their aura for 10 / 15 / 20 seconds. Those who commit taboos are ill-fated with fear of blood.

The Exclusive Skill of The Dread.

Curse of DoomYour ability to sense cats is increased by 5 / 10 / 15 meters.

The Exclusive Cheat of The Witch.

Dark WhisperingsWhen hitting a Gambler from range, the Actor switches to melee mode immediately and becomes stealth. Stealth mode ends when the Actor teleports to Cardholders, break doors/windows, vaults over windows, uses items, and execute Gamblers. The melee cooldown increases 1.2 / 0.9 / 0.6 seconds.

The Exclusive Cheat of The Actor.

Death BreathSeriously wounded Gamblers cannot be seen by the other Gamblers outside 30 / 20 / 10 meters.

Your ability to sense wounded and seriously wounded Gamblers is increased by 20 meters.

The Exclusive Cheat of The Prince.

DesperationWhen Gamblers seal one more cardholder and they can win, reveal the aura of all Gamblers for 30 / 45 / 60 seconds.

A Common Devils' Cheat.

DeteriorationGamblers staying within 10 meters of the cursed Gambler or cardholder for 10 seconds expose their aura to the Drowner for 5 / 10 / 15 seconds.

The Exclusive Cheat of The Drowner.

Endless EchoEvery time the Actor teleports to a Cardholder, he makes it resonate with him for 120 seconds. Within a certain range of this Cardholder all Gamblers constantly hear his vocal and become unable to see him, until they leave the range. Up to 1 / 2 / 3 Cardholders get this effect at a time.

The Exclusive Cheat of The Actor.

Feline SensesThe Witch is able to detect the aura of Gamblers in 5 / 8 / 12 meters around a cat.

The Exclusive Cheat of The Witch.

FrenzyYou can dash to a door and destroy it but you will also stop at the door / but the dashing distance will be reduced after that / while the dashing distance remains the same.

The Exclusive Cheat of The Corpse.

IllusionGamblers earn 40% / 70% / 100% less Stakes when sealing cards to void fake cards on a cardholder.

The Exclusive Cheat of The Phantom.

ImpressionGamblers expose their aura for 5 / 10 / 20 seconds when voiding all fake cards on a cardholder.

The Exclusive Cheat of The Phantom.

InseparableThe interval between the younger sister's teleportations is reduced to 1.8 / 1.5/ 1 seconds.

The Exclusive Cheat of The Twins.

Inseparable (Drummer)When Love Curse is inflicted on a Gambler with 2 stacks of Love Curse, this effect will be triggered. If the Gambler keeps running, the progress bar will increase and the progress bar will start decreasing when the Gambler stops running. When the progress bar is fulled, the Gambler will take damage. This effect will be removed when the progress bar reaches zero or after the Gambler takes damage. The initial progress starts from 50 % / 55 % / 60 %.

The Exclusive Cheat of The Drummer.

InsightWhenever a Gambler fails in QTE, reveal this Gambler's aura for 15 / 30 / 45 seconds.

A Common Devils' Cheat.

InvisibleStands still for 4 / 3 / 2 seconds to enter an invisible state. The invisible beauty is not non-existent, it just has no meaning.

The Exclusive Cheat of The Geisha.

IsolationCursed Gambler will need 5 seconds extra time / 10 seconds extra time / be unable to be rescued from the Sink by peer Gamblers.

The Exclusive Cheat of The Drowner.

Lucky StarAfter placing the fireworks at a cardholder, any gambler who is within 8 meters of the cardholder will reveal their aura for 20 / 25 / 30 seconds.

The Exclusive Skill of The Dread.

Lurking DeathStanding still for 4 / 3 / 2 seconds will make the Gambler's heartbeat of fear completely disappear. Man's conception of good and evil are just facades.

The Exclusive Cheat of The Geisha.

RemembranceThe speed of teleporting to a card holder is 15% / 30% / 50% faster.

The Exclusive Cheat of The Bride.

ReminiscenceThere will be 2 / 4 / 6 dolls placed in the scene automatically at the beginning of the game. The younger sister will always carry her doll, and never abandon it.

The Exclusive Cheat of The Twins.

SeductionEach time the Love Curse is inflicted on a Gambler, the Gambler will be disoriented for 2 / 4 / 6 seconds, reversing their moving direction. Love can make a fool of you but it irresistible.

The Exclusive Cheat of The Drummer.

Soul GraspEach time a Gambler gets hit by The Prince, they get a status that makes them bleed 5% / 10% / 15% faster. This status is accumulative.

The Exclusive Cheat of The Prince.

Game In Ten Seconds How To Cheat Sheet

Scrapped Cheats[edit | edit source]

Game In Ten Seconds How To Cheat Ps2

Death ThrillWhenever a Gambler within 30 / 40 / 50 meters fails in QTE, this Gambler will be stunned for 2 seconds.

The Exclusive Skill of The Corpse, which can be drawn at Level 2.

UnregretfulNo matter how deep in the hell I'm falling into, I never had any regrets. When hitting a target from distance, the Actor switches his mode after 3 / 6 / 10 seconds.

The Exclusive Skill of The Actor, which can be drawn at Level 20.

Game In Ten Seconds How To Cheats

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