SpongeBob Game Station Cheats is a really cool way to get In-App purchases for free. For example you want to get fixed charge in SpongeBob Game Station but it costs € 2,29 and you don't want to paid for this thing, so you need to enter this Cheat Codes - CQPnDQhakAX3. Pause the game, then hold L + R and quickly press X(4), Y(2), X(2), Y, X, Y(2). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. All monsters in the Police Station gallery. Pause the game, then hold L + R and quickly press X, Y, X, Y(2), X, Y, X. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Unlock art gallery in theater. For SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom on the PlayStation 2, GameFAQs has 22 cheat codes and secrets. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for SpongeBob Squarepants: SuperSponge for PlayStation. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page. Oct 31, 2003 For SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom on the PlayStation 2, GameFAQs has 22 cheat codes and secrets. Download SpongeBob Game Station apk 4.9.0 for Android. Official Nickelodeon Game w/ match-3 PUZZLE, RUN & SIM/SNG game in Bikini Bottom.
1,000 shiny objectsPause the game, then hold L + R and quickly press Y, X(2), Y(2), X(2), Y. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
10 Golden SpatulasPause the game, then hold L + R and quickly press X, Y(2), X(2), Y(2), X. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Restore healthPause the game, then hold L + R and quickly press X(4), Y, X, Y, X, Y(4). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Additional healthStand near a pedestrian. Pause the game, then hold L + R and quickly press Y(5), X, Y, X(3), Y(2). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Shiny objects are worth morePause the game, then hold L + R and quickly press Y, X, Y, X(2), Y, X(3), Y(4), X(2), Y. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Pedestrians and partners give shiny objectsPause the game, then hold L + R and quickly press Y(5), X, Y, X, Y, X(2), Y. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Then, double jump near a pedestrian or partner.
Pedestrians give shiny objects when hitPause the game, then hold L + R and quickly press Y(5), X, Y, X(2), Y, X, Y. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Bubble bowl power-upPause the game, then hold L + R and quickly press X, Y, X, Y, X(2), Y(2). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Cruise bubble power-upPause the game, then hold L + R and quickly press Y, X, Y, X, Y(2), X(2). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Cruise Bubble has cruise controlPause the game, then hold L + R and quickly press X(4), Y(2), X(2), Y, X, Y(2). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
All monsters in the Police Station galleryPause the game, then hold L + R and quickly press X, Y, X, Y(2), X, Y, X. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Unlock art gallery in theaterPause the game, then hold L + R and quickly press Y, X, Y, X(2), Y, X, Y. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Pantless SpongeBobPause the game, then hold L + R and quickly press X(4), Y, X(2), Y, X, Y(2), X. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Giant planktonPause the game, then hold L + R and quickly press Y(4), X, Y, X, Y, X(4). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Small Patrick, Mr. Krabs, Squidward, and SandyPause the game, then hold L + R and quickly press Y(4), X, Y, X, Y(5). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Small people (fishes)Pause the game, then hold L + R and quickly press Y(5), X, Y, X, Y, X, Y, X. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Always shrapnel death animationPause the game, then hold L + R and quickly press X(3), Y(2), X, Y, X(3), Y. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Higher difficultyPause the game, then hold L + R and quickly press X(3), Y(2), X(4), Y, X(3), Y, X(2). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Invert camera controls left and rightPause the game, then hold L + R and quickly press Y(2), X(4), Y(2). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Invert camera controls up and downPause the game, then hold L + R and quickly press Y, X(6), Y. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Concept artGo to the third part of Bikini Bottom. Get 40,000 shiny objects. Go to the movie theater and press R to go inside. Press A to see the art.
Infinite Golden Spatulas in Goo LagoonGo to Goo Lagoon and find Bubble Buddy. Find The spatula then go around the corner. Jump on the cloth and touch the 'Thunder Tiki'. Run, jump off, land in the water, and repeat the process.
Easy shiny objects in Sand MountainGo to the third area in the level, which is called Sand Mountain. Destroy all Tikis that are around. For the Tikis next to the bus stop, use Bubble Bowl then aim at the Thunder Tiki in the middle and they will all explode. For the Tikis next to Larry, Cruise Bubble the Stone Tiki at the top and Bubble Bowl the Thunder Tiki next to them. Note: If you do not have the Cruise Bubble move, sneak up to the Shh Tikis and destroy them all. Then, Bubble Bowl the Thunder Tiki and the Stone Tiki Will explode. Then, start the level and fall off immediately. The Tikis will be there again. Destroy them again as many times as desired.
Golden Spatula from SquidwardGo to Squidward's house and talk to him. Then, destroy everything in sight. Next, jump and press B when you are near the giant picture. Talk to him again. Start jumping. He will give you a Golden Spatula.
MimeGo to the third part of Bikini Bottom and clear out the Krusty Krab. After that, go back in and look at the left front window. There will be a mime. Note: You will get a Golden Spatula from Mr. Krabs when you clear out the restaurant.
Larry's tongue slide shortcutsWhen you need to complete Larry's tongue slide, there are some short cuts you can follow. When you first begin to slide down the hill, you can bounce of a trampoline to the right. This will take you to an upper tongue slide hill. Once you get off it, look for another trampoline. It will take you to another place. From there, just follow the road.
Defeating Robo PatrickTo defeat Robo Patrick, wait until he spins around and gets dizzy. If he hits you, he will not get dizzy. Then, hit him in the back or butt. Do this three times and you will switch to Sandy. Do the same thing, except he will fill the pool with goo every time you hit him. Swing on the Texas things to make the boxes fall down. Use the boxes to get to him. Do this three times and you will be SpongeBob again. Wait until he spins and falls, but you cannot hit him with the wand. You must Bubble Bowl him in the back three times and u will win.
Defeating Robo SandyIn the first part, dodge Robo Sandy's attacks until she gets tired and sits down, then do a bubble stomp (press B, then X). Do this three times. In the second part, as Patrick, do the same thing, only pick up the robot's head and throw it at the wires. Do this three times. Now, as SpongeBob again, do the bubble stomp only. When the robot holds out her head, press Y when you are under the red button. Do this three times and you will win.
3000 Miles To Shell City level: Defeating the little critters
All locked tasks
All moves
All moves upgraded to Mach
All six health slots
Bash move
Cartwheel move
Defeating Dennis

Defeating Neptune
Defeating Plankton's statues
Defeating the frogfish
Developer's Record Times
Heavy Iron's Best Times
Drive of the Knucklehead-McSpazitron: 2:29
Google-Eyes and Smelly Knick Knacks: 1:23
No Weenie Parking Anytime: 2:54
Rock Slide: 3:33
Rub a Dub Dub, Slip Slide in the Tub: 2:43
Sandwich Driving 101: 2:37
Sundae Driving: 3:55
Do not move while doing cartwheel
Double manliness points
and press Circle(2), Square(2), Circle, Square(2), Circle.
Easy moves
I'm Ready Depression level: Avoid losing more lives
Make Patrick mad
No Cheese! level: Patrick without clothes
Smash move
Sonic Wave Guitar
Sponge-Bowl move
Throw move
Treasure Chest Items
Collect 2 treasure chests: Mermaid-Man costume for Sponge Bob
Collect 3 treasure chests: Extra long enemy antenna
Collect 4 treasure chests: Sponge Bob Art Pack
Collect 5 treasure chests: Bad Guy Sound Pack
Collect 6 treasure chests: Film Trailer 2
Collect 7 treasure chests: New Targeting Hand
Collect 8 treasure chests: Story Movie 1

Collect 10 treasure chests: Movie Concept Art Pack
Collect 11 treasure chests: Emergency Sound Pack
Collect 12 treasure chests: Enemy fountain antenna
Collect 13 treasure chests: Story Movie 2
Collect 14 treasure chests: Plankton Art Pack
Collect 15 treasure chests: Story Movie 3
Collect 16 treasure chests: Fun Sound Pack
Collect 17 treasure chests: Fishhook hand
Collect 18 treasure chests: Story Movie 4
Collect 19 treasure chests: Krabby Sound Pack
Collect 20 treasure chests: Disco Patrick
Collect 21 treasure chests: Story Movie 5
Collect 22 treasure chests: Goofy Goober Art Pack
Collect 23 treasure chests: Story Movie 6
Collect 24 treasure chests: Macho Sound Pack
Collect 25 treasure chests: Tiny Foggers
Collect 26 treasure chests: Story Movie 7
Collect 27 treasure chests: Mindy Sound Pack
Collect 28 treasure chests: Thug Tug Art Pack
Collect 29 treasure chests: Story Movie 8
Cheat Spongebob Game Station - Image Results
Collect 30 treasure chests: Mindy Art PackCollect 31 treasure chests: La Cucaracha Horn
Collect 32 treasure chests: Patrick Sound Pack
Collect 33 treasure chests: Naked Patrick
Unlock Goofy Goober
Various Codes
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