Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Castlevania: Harmony Of Despair on the Xbox 360, with a game help system for those that are stuck. Now we have 30 cheats in our list, which includes 4 cheats codes, 13 unlockables, 2 easter eggs, 11 secrets. We hope information that you'll find at this page help you in playing Castlevania: Harmony of Despair on XBOX 360 platform. If you didn't find needed cheats put request or ask question about this at special section of the game.

Search the indicated locations to find all hidden items and get extra points. Note: The hidden items will not appear in your inventory.
Chapter 1 - Bell
In the room with the three bells, slide underneath the lowest one. Jump up into it, and the bell will drop down to your left.
Chapter 2 - Crown
Hit the following keys on the piano (counting from the right): 5 white, 5 black, 6 white, 5 white, 2 black, 5 white, 5 black, 6 black.
Chapter 3 - Moai
Wake the Boss, and let him clear the room. Then, jump kick through the center of the vortex in the background, and the Moai will appear there.
Chapter 4 - Goemon
Find the small dark alcove jutting out of the wall at the right side of the level. Enter it, and the Goemon will appear to your left.
Chapter 5 - Vic Viper
Enter the top right corner of the right building, and tap Up. Vic Viper will fly across the building from the right.
Chapter 6 - Konami Man

Jump up next to the blue roof before the final staircase, and tap Up. Konami Man will fly in from the right and just below you.
Chapter 7 - Vick13
Go to the top of the pyramid, then jump.
Japanese voicesWhile selecting a character, hold R2 and press X.
Hard modeSuccessfully complete Chapter 6 on the Normal difficulty to unlock the Hard difficulty and additional items and weapons in the shop.
Higher jumpsYou can use your partner to reach high platforms. Perform a jump kick off a partner's head while they are standing still to get extra height from the bounce. Note: Charlotte cannot jump kick.
Dancing Jonathan and CharlotteWhile playing as Jonathan or Charlotte, hold Up for approximately seven seconds.
Control clock hand appearance in Level 5
In Single Player mode, the appearance of the clock hands will change depending on the actual system time. In Multiplayer mode, their appearance is determined by the system time of the hosting player. The clock hands will be either solid or ghostly. Between the hours of two to four and eight to ten, the clock hands will appear solid and can be used as ledges to reach other areas. Between the hours of ten to two and four to eight, the clock hands will be ghostly.
TrophiesSuccessfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
- Lifeguard (Bronze): Bring a comrade back from the dead.
- Slick Kick (Bronze): Defeat a boss using sliding.
- Bone Cold Justice (Bronze): Defeat an enemy by hitting back a Skeleton's bone.
- Grim Synergy (Bronze): Defeat a boss using a Dual Crush.
- Poetic Justice (Bronze): Defeat an ally who has been seduced by the enemy.
- Vampire Hunter (Bronze): Destroy the lord of Castlevania.
- Grasshopper (Bronze): Jump kick 30 times in a row without touching the ground.
- Boned (Silver): Defeat a boss with 5 players in skeleton form.
- Pack Rat (Silver): Collect a large number of items.
- Wicked Deep Pockets (Silver): Amass 1,000,000 gold.
- Slaughtervania (Silver): Rack up 10,000 enemy kills.
- Hunter Legend (Gold): Complete Hard Mode.
At the screen were Gabriel shows his face (after opening the book) and before you press [Space] to continue, press [Up] [Up] [Down] [Down] [Left] [Right] [Left] [Right] [Esc] [Space] to unlock a 'Cheats' option, which includes options like 'God mode', in the extras section of the pause menu. If you entered the code correctly, Gabriel will wink. Note: Enabling cheat options will prevent achievements from being earned and the game from being saved.
Game Of Thrones referenceIn the greenhouse, just as you defeat Pan's brother, stand in front of Pan's corpse. Directly behind you will be a statue on a plinth, in a sunken part of the terrain. The plinth is in a pool, and behind it is a dead soldier with a diary titled 'Company Of Eddard S.' The text also mentions 'Poor King Robert', as Eddard's Captain.
Steam achievementsCastlevania Games Pc
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats.
- Prince of Darkness: Complete the game at 'Prince of Darkness' difficulty.
- Kleidos Champion I: Complete all the Reminiscences of Sapphire challenges.
- Kleidos Champion II: Complete all the Recollections of Ruby challenges.
- Kleidos Champion III: Complete all the Reminders of Amethyst challenges.
- Kleidos Champion IV: Complete all the Memories of Emerald challenges.
- Kleidos Hero: Complete all of the Kleidos challenges.
- Kleidos Legend: Complete all of the Kleidos challenges at 'Prince of Darkness' difficulty.
- Void Collector: Recover 30 Void Gems.
- Chaos Collector: Recover 30 Chaos Gems.
- Life Collector: Recover 30 Life Gems.
- Expert Silversmith: Recover all the Void, Chaos and Life gems.
- Multiple Pockets: Recover all the upgrades for the Relics.
- Philanthropist: Collect all of the art.
- Start the path: Acquire a skill.
- The path of the Whip: Acquire all of the Shadow Whip skills and upgrades.
- The path of the Sword: Acquire all of the Void Sword skills and upgrades.
- The path of the Claws: Acquire all of the Chaos Claws skills and upgrades.
- The path of the warrior: Acquire all of the skills and upgrades.
- Good customer: Buy an item at the Chupacabras' shop.
- Customer of the month: Spend a total of 20000 Experience Points at the Chupacabras' shop.
- Initiated in Mastery: Increase the Mastery Level of a weapon.
- Whip Master: Increase the Mastery Level of the Shadow Whip to the maximum.
- Sword Master: Increase the Mastery Level of the Void Sword to the maximum.
- Claw Master: Increase the Mastery Level of the Chaos Claws to the maximum.
- Weapons Master: Increase the Mastery Level of all weapons to the maximum.
- Classic Flavor: Cook a chicken in the old style.
- Experienced: Gain a total of 10000 Experience Points.
- Specialist: Gain a total of 50000 Experience Points.
- Veteran: Gain a total of 100000 Experience Points.
- The Outer Limits: Complete 110% of the game.
- False chosen one: Defeat the Paladin.
- Vampire kiss: Accept Zobek's gift.
- Crushed rock: Destroy the golem.
- Hunted hunter: Capture Raisa Vólkova.
- A madman's on the loose: Release the Chupacabras from his prison.
- Heart of stone: Kill the Gorgon.
- Next stop: Castlevania: Survive the train trip.
- Femme fatale: Subdue Carmilla.
- The apple of his eye: Eliminate Satan's first acolyte.
- Natural selection: Defeat Agreus.
- Once upon a time...: Sabotage the Toy Maker's show.
- Family reunion: Gain the trust of Victor.
- Inner Dracula: Shed your darkest self.
- Dissipated storm: Finish off Satan's second acolyte.
- Death is not enough: Get rid of Zobek forever.
- The End: Annihilate Satan and save the world, again.
The following achievements require the 'Revelations' bonus downloadable content:
Castlevania Hod Game Cheats Age Of Empires 2
- Heir of Darkness: Complete 'Revelations' at 'Prince of Darkness' difficulty.
- Fine Nose: Find all the Secret Boxes and Soldiers' Diaries in 'Revelations'.
- Art Dealer: Collect all the artwork in 'Revelations'.
- The Path of the Wolf: Acquire all the Crissaegrim's combat skills and upgrades in 'Revelations'.
- Crissaegrim Master: Increase the Mastery Level of the Crissaegrim to the maximum in 'Revelations'.
- Butcher: Kill an enemy with the Ballroom's saw in 'Revelations'.
- Not again...: Find 'those' annoying characters from Alucard's past in 'Revelations'.
- Freezing Void: Recover the Void relic in 'Revelations'.
- Burning Chaos: Recover the Chaos relic in 'Revelations'.
- Nice Armor...: Defeat the Lieutenant in 'Revelations'.