Batman: arkham asylum mega trainer (epic ) Unlimited Health, Super Damage, Super Speed, Increase XP, Increase Upgrade Points, Increase Challenge Score, Freeze Enemies, Freeze Timer (Challenge and Story Modes), No Gravity (Fly Mode), Save/Load Position (Teleport). Made exclusively for Cheat Happens. Batman: arkham asylum mega trainer (epic ) Unlimited Health, Super Damage, Super Speed, Increase XP, Increase Upgrade Points, Increase Challenge Score, Freeze Enemies, Freeze Timer (Challenge and Story Modes), No Gravity (Fly Mode), Save/Load Position (Teleport). Made exclusively for Cheat Happens. WRITTEN FOR THE PATCHED (1.1) STEAM GOTY VERSION OF THE GAME.
SunbeamHello folks.
As mentioned in this post here, below you'll find an updated table for Batman: Arkham Asylum (latest Steam build).
How to work with it:
1) Run the game till main menu, open up Cheat Engine, target ShippingPC-BmGame.exe game process.
2) Activate [Console] item and the sub-section expands. Activate Fetch UE3 Pointers/Addresses script to fetch the required GNames and GObjects pointers. If script doesn't get enabled, let me know.
3) Activate Enable Console script.


a. If you want to have a look at all GNames and GObjects, you can dump them via GNames & GObjects Dumper script. Once activated, press Numpad /, then check Batman Arkham City GOTYBinariesWin32 folder for two text documents: NamesDump.txt and ObjectsDump.txt. Note that when you transition between main menu and in-game, the pointers to the objects might get reallocated, thus you'll need to press Numpad / again.
b. Note that Debug Camera works in this one, just type in ToggleDebugCamera. Once activated:
I – ToggleLookInvert (changing mouse vertical orientation)
Esc/Pause – to freeze/unfreeze game
Just check DefaultInput.ini in BmGameConfig folder Wink The only problem is you can’t get out of this mode.
1. AddXP Adjust: this script simply changes the amount of Experience engine gives you when you use AddXP command.
2. TurnOnHighlight Patch: enables enemy alert indicator in Hard Mode.
3. Freeze Countdown Timer and Freeze Elapsed Time: self explanatory.
Batman Arkham Asylum Cheats Epic Games Download
Note that 1 & 2 should be enabled one at a time, as the scripts hook the same function.BR,
How to use this cheat table?
- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Batman Arkham Asylum Cheats Epic Games Unblocked
Epic Games continues to push adoption of its online games store via giveaways. After a number of weeks of worthy but less well known indie game giveaways Epic has turned things up a notch with its new Batman giveaway. It is giving away a total of six Batman games, currently, to celebrate 80 years of the Caped Crusader; the Batman Arkham Collection of three titles, and the Lego Batman Trilogy. All yours to keep - but this freebie grabbing window will close on Thursday 26th September.
The Batman Arkham Collection was developed by Rocksteady Studios and published by Warner Bros. It consists of Batman: Arkham Asylum, Batman: Arkham City and Batman: Arkham Knight. I remember the latter game grabbing headlines back in 2015 due to its sales being suspended due to performance issues. However, it was patched up and re-released and the publisher went so far as offering full refunds to purchasers if they were still unhappy later in the year.
The complete Lego Batman Trilogy is up for grabs for free too. Lego Batman 1, 2 and 3, progress the dynamic duo's adventures across Gotham City, partnering up with other DC superheroes, and finally blasting off into space to save Earth from Brianiac.
Epic's store normally sells the both the above bundles for £47.99 each. Looking across at the Steam store, the Batman Arkham Collection is currently £12.49 (75 per cent off) and the Lego Batman Trilogy is listed at £7.49 (same discount percentage). Steam's promo ends on 26th September too.
Batman Arkham Asylum Game Walkthrough
Epic has revealed its upcoming freebies to be Everything (2017) and Metro: 2033 Redux (2010). So, if you fancy adding these games to your collection for nada check back in a week's time.