At the title screen, hold L + Z and press Y, X, A, B(2), A, X, Y to unlock all Antics.
No cheat codes exist within Mafia III. During the Drugs portion of Evil That Men Do, there is an objective to 'Tail bagmen to find Gaston's stash' that will reward the player with $10,000 in cash. There is a glitch that allows the stash to respawn indefinitely so long as the mission is active and you don't leave the. Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Barnyard on the PC, with a game help system for those that are stuck.

At the title screen, hold L + Z and press A(2), Y, B, X(2), B, Y to unlock all Knapsack and Flower Pack items.
All bonus itemsAt the title screen, hold L + Z and press Y, B, A, X(2), A, B, Y to unlock all bonus items.
9,999 Gopher BucksAt the title screen, hold L + Z and press A(2), X(4), Y, X.
Easy coins
Barnyard Pc Game

Barnyard Game Cheats Pc
When Ben tells you to use the metal detector to locate the Gopher's coins, go to the barnyard. On the right side of the farmer's house you will see yellow flowers. Use the metal detector to find a group of coins. At night, go in and out of the party. Each time you use the metal detector on the side of the farmer's house you will get more coins.